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LITA volunteers make a vital difference in the lives of the residents. Staff nurses and Activity Directors testify to the tremendous lift and improved quality of life for the residents that result from having a regular LITA visitor. In return volunteers receive the rewards of friendship and an opportunity for personal growth in making and maintaining their commitment. 


For Volunteer Opportunities email


Text/call Victoria Ryan, Director at 925-212-4573


​When you volunteer as a LITA friend/visitor, you will be placed in a facility near where you live or work. LITA's Director or Volunteer Coordinator will introduce you to the care facility Activity Director and help you find the right match. It is important to LITA that you will find someone to visit whom you will enjoy and be willing to visit on a regular basis over time.
Our usual commitment is once a week for at least six months for one on one visitors. We will provide guidelines as a resource for questions you may have, as well as an orientation session with the activity director.  You will be asked to fill out a short application and return it to us via email. 
Experience and observation of many other similar volunteer programs indicates that those who take time to consider and prepare for the unique challenges inherent in this work, usually have a much more rewarding volunteer experience.
Some skilled nursing facilities require completion of their application, TB test and a background check (depending on the facility).
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